Deciding On The Best Wheelchair Van For Your Spouse

If your spouse was injured or developed a medical condition that resulted in the need to use a wheelchair to be mobile, you're probably struggling with ways to get around. Using a wheelchair transportation service can be pricey when you use it for things like going to the store or visiting friends. While city buses can often accommodate wheelchair passengers, it is inconvenient to catch a bus when the weather is bad or during peak times of the day. Read More 

Relieving Stress Associated With Vehicle Repair

Each time you get behind the wheel of your vehicle, you are at risk of becoming involved in an auto accident. While many accidents are minor in nature, each has the potential to cause serious damage. Taking your vehicle to an auto repair shop after a collision can be stressful, but there are some simple things you can do to help alleviate this stress. Here are three tips to follow if you want to reduce the stress associated with vehicle repair in the future. Read More 

Effectively Using A Tow Truck Light Bar

A tow truck light bar is an important part of keeping your tow truck safe. The lights allow for your truck to be seen even during the worst visibility, reducing the risk of an accident. For the light bar to do its job, it must be protected and must be attached properly. You must also make sure that the lights flash in a pattern that will be effective. Protecting Your Lights Read More 

4 Common Type Of Brake Pads

If you need to get new brakes on your vehicle, it is important to know that you have choices when it comes to the brake pads. There are different materials that are used on the brake pads which impact how effectively your brakes work based on the type of vehicle you own and the type of driving that you do. Be sure to discuss the different brake pad material options available to you with your mechanic. Read More 

Three Little Things That Can Make A Big Difference When Buying A Used Semi-Truck

Many people who choose to buy a used semi-truck are so focused on making sure the big issues (e.g. engine quality, maintenance) are satisfactory they forget to check the little things that can also have a major impact on whether they will enjoy owning the vehicle or not. Here are three little things you should also look into when shopping for a used semi-truck. Check the Quality of the Truck Bed Read More