4 Common Type Of Brake Pads

If you need to get new brakes on your vehicle, it is important to know that you have choices when it comes to the brake pads. There are different materials that are used on the brake pads which impact how effectively your brakes work based on the type of vehicle you own and the type of driving that you do. Be sure to discuss the different brake pad material options available to you with your mechanic. Read More 

Three Little Things That Can Make A Big Difference When Buying A Used Semi-Truck

Many people who choose to buy a used semi-truck are so focused on making sure the big issues (e.g. engine quality, maintenance) are satisfactory they forget to check the little things that can also have a major impact on whether they will enjoy owning the vehicle or not. Here are three little things you should also look into when shopping for a used semi-truck. Check the Quality of the Truck Bed Read More